
2004 – 2005

Year 2004 – 2005

Year 2004,
Php 56.53 M ADB-LWUA loan Program of Work (POW) was implemented full blast. Projects are enumerated as follows:
1. Construction of 1 deepwell at FVR Poblacion 5 (site: 200 sq. meters donated lot by Mr. & Mrs. Rico Reyes);
2. Construction of 1 deepwell and 150 cu.m elevated/steel reservoir at Brgy. Ramon Cruz;
3. Construction of 1 deepwell at Brgy. Olaes.
4. Construction of 1 deepwell and 150 cu.m elevated/steel reservoir at Tahanan site, Brgy. San Gabriel;
5. Construction of 200 cu.m elevated steel reservoir at Brgy. Kua;
6. Construction of 100 cu.m elevated steel reservoir at Brgy. Tirona.

Internet has been installed for management to be globally updated and easy access. GMAWD was classifies as Big Category. Blessing and inauguration of Brgy. Kua pump station was held on April 14, 2004.

Year 2005,
Final completion of the implemented projects embodied in the P 56.53 M POW. Additional projects were acquired from its savings of the loan proceeds such as the following:

1. Purchase of 1 unit 120 KVA Generator Set for Poblacion 5 pump station (now serving FVR and Pasong Saging area);
2. 1 lot 150 cu.m elevated steel reservoir constructed at Brgy. Tirona pump station;
3. Completion of 47.7 km. pipelines (from 26 km. proposed) and replacement of dilapidated and extension of new pipelines to 21 barangays;
4. Rip rapping, fencing (Slope protection of Brgy. Kua elevated steel reservoir)
5. Purchase of Serena Van (SHH 757) for office service;
6. Purchase of 1 unit Elf for operational use (SFZ 930).

Additional projects from the P 56.53 loan savings:

1. Drilling of 1 deepwell and provision of its appurtenances;
2. Lot acquisition and construction of Administration building.

The GMA Water District is committed to be a partner for progress and development aside from its main task as water service provider. It has put up community development projects financed by its revenue side by side with the provision of concessionaire’s requests of water service. It has put up the following:

1. Adopted Brgy. San Gabriel Mini Forest Park by tree planting and perimeter fencing of the 300 sq.m. park (CY 2003);
2. Constructed the perimeter fence of Brgy. Ramon Cruz Basketball Court, CY 2004;
3. Constructed perimeter fence of Brgy. Olaes barangay hall site, (CY 2005);
4. Site development and renovation of Brgy. Kua dilapidated building into a function building, presently used as venue for barangay for a Liga ng Barangay meetings, NGO sectoral seminars and workshop, GMAWD monthly employees meeting (CY 2005);
5. Installation of additional Fire Hydrants at Poblacion 3, Pob. 5 and Brgy. Calimag for public fire protection (CY 2005);
6. Ground mobilization for Brgy. Kua covered court construction, (CY 2005);
7. Landscaping, perimeter fencing, path walk reconstruction of municipal plaza and rehabilitation of Gen. Mariano Alvarez monument (CY 2006).
8. All drilling sites (8 lots) were acquired through donations.